infills & growth

To maintain your lash extensions, book regular “Infill” appointments.


The best timeframe for maintaining lash extensions is 2-3 weekly.


Some clients prefer to come more frequently to keep them full.

Some clients are happy with the natural look and can book less time or come less frequently.

The important thing to remember is the care you take at home.

Avoid touching them with your fingers.

Use your lash brush to neaten them, not your fingers.

Follow Aftercare advice for longevity and hygiene.

During an Infill appointment, all extensions are checked. Loose & grown-out lashes are carefully removed one by one then replaced. More time = More LashesBook in for enough time for the result you want. If you’re unsure, contact us to ask.

During an Infill appointment, all extensions are checked. Loose & grown-out lashes are carefully removed one by one then replaced.


Book enough time for the result you want. If you’re unsure, contact us to ask.

Will my Lashes fall out?

Yes. Our natural lashes have a growth cycle, they grow and shed in phases.



Just like the hair on our heads, eyelashes and eyebrows go through similar growth cycles. Eyelashes are constantly growing and shedding. Lash loss is a normal part of your eyelash growth cycle. Our natural lashes have a lifespan of roughly 6 weeks. The upper lid has 90-160 lashes. We lose 2-5 lashes per day, on average. Each time you have your lash extension filled or your lashes lifted, the longevity will partly be determined by the phase of your lash cycle.

ANAGEN: Healthy growing baby lashes.

CATAGEN: Growth slows and lasts up to around 21 days

TELOGEN: Resting phase, finished growing with a new hair waiting to take its place.

Average Shedding at 2-5 lashes a day:

1 week - 21 lashes

2 weeks = 42 lashes

3 weeks = 63 lashes


Shedding increases during Autumn and Spring. You may need to get infills more frequently or expect your lashes to be not quite as full as usual. Within one to two cycles, this will right itself.

At your Infill you may have new hair (baby lashes) on left side first and at the next infill it will be the right side. Hair grows faster on the left side of our body as the heart pumps the blood from the left. Shorter lashes grow faster so good idea to infill with shorter extensions, so they balance out the other eye within 7 to 10 days.

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Revealing 3-4 lashes “Anagen” just ready for small extensions. These little 3mm lashes will grow quickly as they are new, so shorter extensions will be applied to allow for growth and allow them to grow out safely.


Eyelash Extensions are semi-permanent, replacing makeup and framing your eyes without the need for mascara.

Mascaras contain ingredients that will interfere with the lash adhesive and cause it to breakdown. Some makeup cannot easily be removed from the roots of the lashes.

When wearing makeup around the eyes, it is best to use lash extension friendly makeup.

At Eyes Of Eden, we have a range of suitable eye makeup and products to safeguard your lash longevity.

REMEMBER TO REMOVE YOUR FACE MAKEUP AROUND YOUR EYES BEFORE USING YOUR LASH SHAMPOO DAILY. This prevents the face makeup from seeping in between your lashes making it harder to keep them squeaky clean and hygienic.


Yes. Some retention issues may come from some things we don’t know about or think of.

Has your sunscreen or foundation/BB cream seeped down into your lash line?

Did you apply moisturiser right before bed, cheeks push product to the under layer or the extensions?

If you blink into a product that’s not compatible, even eye drops have residue, cleanse as soon as possible.

Have you been sweating, crying or swimming? Remember to cleanse with your Lash Shampoo after exposure to these.

Hormones can affect lash retention due to changes in pH levels of the skin and excess oil production. Slippery lashes do not allow the extensions to adhere properly so remember to keep oily products well away from the lash area.

Thyroid condition can cause hair loss - including scalp, brows and lashes.

Surgery and the after-effects of Anaesthetic can cause the pH levels to go out of balance for a couple of months. Be aware that you may need to come for infill appointments more frequently, approx. every 7-10 days or have a break from your extensions till the pH settles back to normal.

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2 months growth “Telogen” phase. This client gets lashes when she can. These last few grown-out extensions are peeled off manually before a new set.